I don’t know if it’s possible to write files out the temp folder, I’ll read more about it but it’s not likely.

Also, the filename it’s a random generated number so it’s going to be disorganized and there’s a small chance every blue moon that screenshots will get overwritten if they happen to get the same number, will find a better way for next time.I also find this game disappointing. Compared to Xenotake, it was consistently atmospheric in the same way, but the raw gameplay is a lot more fun - you have to do more than just spam X when facing in the direction of the enemy. The enemies' attack patterns and properties made for some challenging gameplay, but you'd encounter 2 different enemy types at the same time at most. While the map is more open and less-linear than XT, you still progress through plot, power and unlock different parts of the map in a linear fashion. Due to the map-screen its self more than anything (Shows only one floor at a time from an initially confusing perspective), navigating between objectives once a lot of the map had been unlocked did result in some frustration and tedium.

The health mechanics are kinda broken, it can kinda be compared to Halo, but it doesn't really work in this context. You have 3 hitpoints which regenerate, and a buffer above that. The buffer is reduced by being hit by enemy attacks, being raped, or magicking your clothes back into existence, and recharged by collecting orbs. But that same bar is also reduced when an enemy grabs you while clothed, and clothes break when the bar reaches zero. So by being clothed, you are making yourself open to grabs you will take damage from from the moment it connects to when you struggle free.